body language 23/1 - 22/2
Vernissage Saturday 25 January 2025, 14h - 19h
UK artist joni brown, presents new work exploring themes around body image in a world where people are bombarded with images of the aesthetic 'ideal'.
Book Launch: Date to be confirmed
"Ivan the Terrible goes on a family picnic" a collection of short stories by author Charles Holdefer (USA)
Group Painting workshops:
Thursday 30 January, 11.00 - 13.00
Friday 14 February, 11.00 - 13.00
Thursday 6 February, 18.30 - 20.30
(further dates to be announced)
Forthcoming exhibitions in 2025/26: Joni Brown (UK), Helen O'Sullivan-Tyrrell (IE), Astrid Hoge (NL), Lieve van Thienen (BE), Birte Hölscher (DE), Group Exhibition (open call)
'Light Hungry' - Poetry collective
23/11 - 07/12
Laura Davis, Sylee Gore and Jules Sprake.
'Vestiges' - Clément Martinery
27/ 10 - 17 / 11 / 2024
'Estampes Transitoires' - Marianne Truffino
22 / 09 - 20 / 10 / 2024
'The Salt Line' - Gillian Murphy
17/03 - 14/04/2024