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Clément Martinery
27 / 10 - 17 / 11 / 2024

We are delighted to present a selection of paintings by Brussels-based artist Clément Martinery.

These works are small in scale but at the same time profoundly impactful. A figurative painter, Martinery grapples with the universal themes of nature, humanity, mortality. The colour palet is sober and restrained, the artist's use of light and shade and contrast gives the impression that light is emanating from the canvas itself. The images emerge slowly, they invite the viewer to pause and take the time to look and consider each work. One is reminded of the work of the great Belgian artists, Michaël Borremans and Luc Tuymans.

Martinery's time is divided between his studio practice and his work as an art educator with special-needs children. This is his first gallery show in Brussels and we gently suggest that you use this opportunity to acquire an artwork from this breakthrough artist who is surely destined for bigger things! 


Visual poetry - Laura Davis, Sylee Gore, Jules Sprake

23 / 11 - 7 / 12 / 2024

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